Monarchy in a Nutshell

If Canadians wanted their own version of this photo, they’d replace the indigenous Africans with the indigenous North Americans.

I can’t believe Canadians, especially the young and foolish, went gaga over the royal wedding of this bastard. The media, government and Fascist Monarchist League all are responsible for that, of course, as well as Tom Freda’s ever failing gentle push against something that actually requires a truckload of C4 to remove.

No matter who’s on the throne, no matter how young he is, no matter if he rides a bike or wanted to invite the poor to his wedding . . . this is it. This is monarchy in a nutshell. The masses on the bottom serving those in power. This is also what Canadian monarchy is: an unelected whites-only position, with everyone else under their feet. This is what the enemies of democracy masturbate to, of the sight and act of domination and racial domination, and of yearning to not just be dominated, not just to have someone to rule over them for life, but to dominate and chain others.

This is what a monarchy is like, where the people are naked servants underneath those who think that it is their right to rule over others without their consent.

William’s racist romp looks very similar to this, doesn’t it:

Seriously, motherfucker, those two things attached to your pelvis down to the bone are called legs. Use them, you lazy spoiled little shit.